Friday, March 16, 2012


It has been a long time since I have updated. Partially because I have been so busy, and partially because I haven't had much to say.

These past few months have been a bit crazy for me. I have had my usual "winter" sick, except this time it came in longer bouts and with a lot more weight loss. I am now feeling pretty great, just very under-weight and weak. I am slowly building up both- my energy and calorie intake. It is frustrating. I would think it would be similar to when an overweight person works so hard to get to their goal weight, and when they finally achieve it, they get sick (or lazy) and gain it ALL back. Gaining weight for me is just as hard. I have to take in almost 5,000 calories a day to gain an average of 1-2 lbs a week. The bummer is- like the overweight person- I have literally NO clothes that fit me. I stupidly got rid of all my size 2 jeans after I gained that 25lbs last year, and there is NO way I can wear my size 6 jeans right now. They slide right off- or look extremely silly even with a belt. I refuse to buy new pants. I will gain the weight back and then be able to wear my old ones (or then buy new ones to celebrate!!!)

Other health, we have had some other crazy life things going on....and for once, everything has finally seemed to slow down. We have had beautiful weather this past week, the sun has been shining, and my kids are happier than ever. We are so excited about Easter and Caleb's spring break coming up soon.  I hope to have a lot of family fun that week!

My mom is now feeling pretty good- and everyone else is doing just fine! The kids are spending this weekend in Columbus with their grandparents, so Ross and I have the WHOLE weekend to ourselves. I think we are going to have some fun too! Haven't decided yet....but we will find something!

I promise to try and keep this updated more often! I hope this finds all of my family and friends well!

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