Monday, October 25, 2010

Who is Christina?

Who is Christina, in no particular order?

I am a wife, mother, daughter, granddaughter, great-granddaughter, niece, and friend.
I love Jesus.
I am a photographer.

I love photography, boots, all shoes, Coach purses, lip gloss, make-up, clothes, shopping, pink, green, Victoria Secrets, Express clothes, shopping at, Eiffel tower decor, euchre, food, chips and dip, homemade salsa, any soup, Cleveland Browns, OSU, country music, romance movies, comedies, suspense, worship music, helping others, baking, candy, baby girl clothes, getting mail, planning a project, completing a project, thunderstorms, afternoon naps, back massages, fireworks, weekend get-aways, pumpkins, Scentsy brand flameless candles, a good cup of coffee, Sheetz gas station, politics, America, Jerseylicious, Desperate Housewives, Fairy tales, princesses, smiles, a good cry, children laughing, surprise parties, finding money in the laundry, being in love, black and white photographs, antique picture frames, fall, Starbucks, Subway, hot tubs, hand sanitizer, the ocean, comfy sweatshirts, waterfalls, traveling coffee mugs, hot chai tea, going for a walk, cute bras and panties, driving in the summer, long car trips, talking to my mom, getting a pedicure, sparky things, jewelry, Corn Pops cereal, cardigan sweaters, pajama pants from Victoria Secret, hugs, rootbeer floats, changing leaves, lunch with grandpa, best friends, North Carolina, Japanese food, photoshop, wrapping paper, greeting cards , sleeping-in, hair appointments, birthdays, Christmas, a good martini, and gift cards.

I dislike seafood, fish, mayonnaise, liars, cheaters, cats, horror movies, ghosts, cooking shows, hard rock, large crowds, snow, driving at night, offensive language, chocolate, dirty carpets, clutter, folding laundry, ironing, spam mail, burnt popcorn, being asked to explain a joke, being told what to do, a bad cup of coffee, when people don't return phone calls, traffic jams, lint, reality, when people don't say please or thank you, sunburns, wedgies, gardening, dirt, cleaning the same mess over and over, the new rage over vampires, celebrity gossip, high heels, beer, germs, The Obama Administration, Obama, racists, lazy people,debt, changing diapers,dirty sheets,remembering to water plants, the hospital, antibiotics,breathing treatments, camping, sharing a bathroom, exercising, being late, and guilt trips.


  1. Oh man, we share so many of the same like and dislikes! Think of all of the fun we could have together if we could only get closer than 3 feet from one another!

  2. I don't know that I get withing 3 feet of most of my it could work ;)
