Sunday, October 24, 2010

Two steps behind...

As I sit here contemplating the extremely busy week ahead of me, I feel slightly overwhelmed. It seems as though I am always 2 steps behind. No matter how scheduled and planned out I try to make my days, it feels like I am just barely treading water.
I am tired. The most simple day-to-day task can be exhausting for me.

I wake-up almost every morning at about 6:45 am. I start my day with a few breathing treatments, followed by some airway clearance and a handful of pills. At this point my kids are awake and needing changed, fed, dressed, and loved on.

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays I rush Caleb out the door to school. I am so blessed to have my grandfather come over most of these mornings to sit and play with Addy while I take Caleb. I then stop for my morning coffee and head back home to clean, and spend time teaching Addy all of those important things that I taught Caleb at that age.
Colors, shaped, letters, etc.
Laundry, floors, dusting, vacuuming...almost required daily when living with two toddlers and a dog. I try to squeeze some of this in, a shower, and another breathing treatment before picking Caleb up at 1:30 pm.

It is then time for errands and quality time with my kiddos until daddy gets home. We enjoy dinner as a family together every night, which is very important to me. It does not matter what we are eating, as long as we are enjoying each other's company!

Then it is time to take baths, brush teeth, read books, give cuddles and say bedtime prayers.
Another few breathing treatments, some treadmill time, airway clearance, more pills, packing lunches, cleaning up dinner dishes, folding laundry....
This list never ends.
I then fall into bed ever night, completely exhausted and wiped out...hoping for another day NOT sick. (Just forget it all when I am sick.)

Add in the doctor, dentist, and other appointments I have most weeks and that is where "slightly overwhelmed" comes in.

Nobody ever promised that being a mother and wife with Cystic Fibrosis would be easy, to be honest, most days it is quite a challenge. But it is worth every ounce of energy it takes when I look into the eyes of my happy babies and happy husband.

I do it all for them, even if I am always two steps behind!

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