Saturday, January 1, 2011

Out with the old, in with the new!

Happy 2011 everyone!
We rang in the new year with a few friends and of course my babies! I can't believe that they both stayed up until midnight (let me add that they have a 7 pm bedtime), that was quite the accomplishment. We cheered 2011 in, and 2010 with a toast of sparkling grape juice, which the kids loved.

2010 was a great year for me, with a few not so great moments. I was sick a lot off and on, but now that the bacteria has been identified, I am hoping that 2011 is spent kicking it's butt!

This past year I went on an amazing vacation with my family, parents, grandpa, and cousins. I also had the amazing opportunity to go on yet another road trip with my best friend, and brother Matt. We went to North Carolina and met relatives and loved ones that we have not seen in many, many, many years. I was also Matt's guest of honor at his military ball, which he made VERY special for me. Saying "see ya later" in September to him as he headed off to Iraq was a down, not so great moment. Now that we are in 2011, I am even closer to seeing him again!! Caleb started school at the place of my dreams (for both of my kids), we knocked down a huge tree in our back yard, I got to spend TONS of quality time with my grandpa....the list of great memories could go on and on (and by far outweigh the bad!).

I hope your 2010 was as special as mine, and I hope 2011 is even better! I am ready to create more amazing memories and have a year of health and love. God is so good!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE when the good list is longer than the bad list! Happy New Year to you and the family!!!
