The BIG TOY catalog came in the mail today. Caleb and Addy were ecstatic! Of course, I had dishes to unload from the dishwasher-again, so I saw it as the PERFECT opportunity to entertain them (and give me a two second breather!). I gave each of them a crayon, and let them circle toys that they want on their wish list for Christmas. I told Caleb he could circle anything he wanted, but could only put a star by 5 of his most favorite toys. (Hey, I need some birthday and Christmas ideas!) I already bought him the Toy Story 3 blu-ray (hiding from him until December 9th!) and we are planning our annual birthday mommy and Caleb date to Build-a-Bear. Birthday is pretty much covered...but, this procrastinating mommy has done NO Christmas shopping yet, and I am on a little bit of a tighter budget this year. So, I really should get my hiney moving.
The plus side of this? Caleb gets to practice making circles, which he desperately needs to perfect (according to his report card...)
His 5 starred no order of importance (How could I ask him to choose a favorite?!):
1. ImagiNext Bigfoot-$85.00
(This is a plastic Gorilla that has over 80 actions and phrases, It comes with a remote...hmmm)
2. Toy Story 3 Ultimate Buzz Lightyear Robot- $119.00
(A 16" tall Buzz that walks, talks and responds to voice commands. Sounds fun to me...but a little pricey, might have to pass it on to Santa!)
3. A Toy Story 3 scooter- $25.00
(self-explanatory, a skate-board with handle bars, and I like the price.)
4. Stinky the Garbage Truck- $45.00
(**this toy actually looks like a blast, may get it for myself!)
5. A guitar- $35
6. (he had a hard time stopping!)... Zhu Zhu pets.
This kid did not circle cheap, but each little star cracked me up! I would have never guessed any of those particular toys, but I am not surprised.
I remember doing this as a child. Of course, I rarely got anything I ever circled (who does?), but what wonderful and fun memories. My brother, sister and I would spend hours drooling over the Toys R' Us and Sears catalogs, initialing everything I could dream of with a CJS...just to be sure that Santa-or mom- wouldn't confuse me wanting something Matt circled! No guns or Lego's for this girly-girl.
Addy's list was a little more simple. According to her scribbles, she likes the whole My little ponies page, Strawberry Shortcake dolls, Barbies, babies, princesses, dollhouses, and pretty much anything that was pink or purple! My kind of girl!
I love seeing the world through the eyes of my innocent.
The lop-sided stars, the imperfect circles, the huge grins and belly laughs- while scouring over a toy catalog- nothing gets more simple than that. Pure joy.
And I got the dishwasher both un-loaded and loaded, in peace and in under 20 minutes.
More pure joy.
*Thank you Target and Toys R' Us for sending these out early. You will be the perfect baby-sitters during laundry folding, floor scrubbing, and dish doing moments in the Sommers' household for the next week.

Christmas 2009
Caleb-almost 4, Addy-1
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