Tuesday, May 15, 2012

In the middle of even some of the most difficult, trying times, there will still always be a reason to smile. I have never allowed myself to linger around in negative thinking for too long- life is way to short for that.

Have I ever mentioned how absolutely wonderful my husband is? He is my whole world (along with my kids of course), my very best friend, the perfect balance to complete me. In my last post I focused so much on me, that I neglected to mention that my whole family has been completely stressed. He has not been excluded from the chaos.

Bless his heart. My husband has worked his rear-end off to provide for our family. He is such a great man. He knows that most of the medical bills that come in are because of me, but has never said a word. Thinking of my husband brings a huge smile to my face. Our 8 year anniversary is coming up next month- and they have honestly been the best years of my life-hard times and all-because he has been standing by my side. I just love my man.

Other smile moments-Spending quality time with a great friend (who also happens to be my brother's girlfriend). She fits into our family so perfectly, she is family now. I love her like a sister and feel like I have known her my whole life. Good coffee + beautiful evening + girl talk = pure bliss.

Needless to say, my spirits have been lifted and I am now smiling large. Sometimes I can tend to get caught up in the little annoyances of life and forget about the true meaning: love, sharing happiness, laughter, family, friends, and just being grateful to be alive.

Other smiles include:

Watching my six year old son so proudly riding his bike without training wheels.

My daughter wrapping her little hands around my neck 30+ times a day, telling me that I am her best friend and just how much she loves me.

Giggles every night before bedtime reading silly stories and my kids begging for "just one more".


The warm sunshine and tons of water balloons!

And...the smell of freshly mowed grass being tracked across my kitchen floor by teeny-tiny little muddy feet (In search of another "Uncle Matt" red, white, and blue Popsicle).

Yes, life has thrown some curve-balls, but it has also gotten a few things right!

PS: My apologies for a PMS fueled, off the rocker rant yesterday. :)

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