Tuesday, May 22, 2012


At what point in a relationship or friendship do you throw in the towel and accept that what once was, or what you once hoped it would become, is no longer? I have a few people that fall into this category in my life. Most of the relationship is one-sided. I make all of the effort and feel that I am more vested emotionally.

I make most, if not all of the phone calls. I write most, if not all of the e-mails. I make most, if not all of the attempt. I am the one holding the friendship together. Me of all people understand how busy life can get and how time can get away. On the other hand, I do not want to maintain relationships in my life that are solely reliant on only me keeping contact. Does this make any sense? I love people. I dearly love all of my friends and family in my life. Each one holds a special place in my heart. Some I know we will go months without talking, but can pick-up right where we left off when life calms down. I am not talking about these friendships, but the ones that I feel I am chasing. You know, the ones that I don't talk to ever unless I make the call. 

I guess the answer may be just that. If the relationship is that easy to walk away from, I should not be wasting my time on it and just accept that it wasn't meant to be. Right? I know that sometimes people just grow apart or were never that close to begin with. I know it is nothing to be taken personally, and that if it were meant to be, than it would be.
This is a serious question to my readers. I would love comments on this one! How do you handle one-sided friendships?

1 comment:

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