Saturday, April 23, 2011

What Easter means to me...

Easter is not just another "holiday" to me. Yes, I do enjoy the family meal, baskets, candy, laughing and fun. But, I also remember what was done for ME, and what was done for you too.

I am so humbled and amazed that God gave his son, that Jesus gave his life, in one of the most brutal and unimaginable ways, to give me everlasting life. That I, an unworthy sinner, have been given the opportunity to have a person relationship with Jesus, and to be forgiven- just because I ask. He who has created everything beautiful and good. He who loves perfectly and without condemnation. He who loves me unconditionally, in the most perfect way. I do not have to go through some high priest, or anybody else to get to him. He is there, waiting for me. I can approach him with no fear. I can pour my heart out to him, and  leave ALL my worries and anxieties with him. He holds me, comforts me, and gives me hope. He made all of this possible because of his gruesome suffering and death. Our eternity together awaits us because of his unbelievable, but undoubtedly real resurrection. My Savior lives, and my heart rejoices! Jesus died on the cross for my sins and inadequacy. He has victoriously defeated the sins that entrap me. Whatever I find, whenever I find it, He's redeemed it. Renewed it. The parts of me that feel unlovable, unusable and broken are created, cherished, and healed by Him alone. My selfish, unrighteous, imperfect ways are forgiven because of Jesus, and because of Him alone.
How could I not be full of joy, love, and thanksgiving?
I am forgiven.
I am loved.
 ...and so are you!
There is nothing too big, or anything too horrible.

"According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading..."
1 Peter 1:3&4

This evening my parent stopped by to give Caleb and Addy their Easter gifts. My mom made them each a beautiful blanket and they were both thrilled. The smiles on their face says it all...and now they are all cozied up in bed, waiting for the arrival of the Easter Bunny!

This is the first year of our new tradition. Because the traveling was becoming too much for our children, we decided to do the "every-other-year" thing. This year we will spend Easter day with Ross' side of the family, and next year with mine. I am hoping for a more relaxing day.
Happy Easter to ALL of my family and friends!