Wednesday, January 19, 2011


It has been awhile. Not that I have been extremely busy, I just haven't really felt like writing. Finding the motivation has been a challenge. I think I just might have the winter blues! Many of my evenings are being spent with a cup of hot chocolate, curled up under a blanket, cuddling with my husband, and watching some Netflix. The Internet has not fit into my cozy little evenings!

I have been very healthy lately. I am finding some wood to knock on right now. Since the beginning of January, I have really been focusing on my weight. My goal, per my doctor, is to gain 15 lbs. That would put me at 140lbs. I know, you are jealous. I have heard it all. I know if you could give me some of yours, you would, and if you could do it for me, you would. Now let me clarify some things. Having to gain weight is not as fun as it may sound. For me it is hard. Very hard. I don't like my food being a "medicine" to me. I already consume pushing 3000 calories a day, and with even the slightest cold or infection, I lose it all almost instantly. I have worked my butt off to gain the most recent 6 pounds. I eat, and eat, and eat, and then eat some more. I do this and then drink high calorie weight gain shakes. I am really not looking for advice, sympathy, or motivation. I am just sharing a little bit of what I have been up too...and it just so happens that eating is it.

On a positive not, I will absolutely need new clothes if I gain any more weight. My jeans are starting to get a little tight. Now who can argue new clothes?! That is a reward to look forward too!

I promise to write something more profound later...that is if I can find some motivation. Is it almost spring yet?


  1. Having some extra weight does help fight infections. I went through a faze of wanting to be a size 0 so I lost alot of weight and I stayed sick alot! My healthy weight has always been about 130 - 135.I usually gain weight pretty easily that's a blessing and a curse. I'm trying to lose down to 140. I still wanna be healthy but not overweight.
    Good Luck to you though! :)

  2. Congrats on the 6 lbs!! I am also trying to gain weight ugh it is so hard. I went to clinic monday and am up 4 lbs. but it needs to be more. My pants are also getting tight ha. but im ok with that. Good Luck on more weight gain!
