Monday, September 30, 2013

Old blog, new blog

I am going to be starting a new blog. I want one that is dedicated to my life with CF, especially with me going for a lung transplant evaluation very soon. I made this with the intention to keep up with my photography projects, but got way to busy to keep up, then sadly because of my health- photography has been placed on the back burner for the meantime. I will keep this blog to update about family- and I will make sure to post the link to my other one here soon.

I am in the hospital again. So I will have plenty of time to start a new blog! I will be here a minimum of 2 weeks.

A lot has changed since last spring. I feel that I could write a book on my life over the past 8 months or so- a best seller at that! I have lost family (not through death, through them choosing to let me go again), I have been well, I have been sick, I have helped my sis plan some of her wedding, I have cooked new recipes, my baby girl turned 5, I turned 31, I saw my little boy off to the 2nd grade and my baby girl off to pre-k, I had the doctor appointment I have dreaded my whole life, I am scheduled to start pulmonary rehab, and the words double lung transplant were used at my annual appointment.. Life is going so crazy fast, or should I say scary fast? I learned life is too short not to forgive and not to love-- but also that I do not want to beg to be loved by someone who does not really want to love me.

I am so tired and sick from the medications right now--- that this post will have to be a teaser and short. You have my word that I will once again return!

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